Here And Now
Tinnitus and Lockdown
As we start 2021, the Coronavirus pandemic continues to affect people across the country and globally. Healthcare, mental health and wellbeing have all been impacted over the last year, and many people with tinnitus may find their symptoms increasing due to the stress and anxiety of the pandemic. Looking after your overall wellbeing and reducing your feelings of stress and anxiety can help manage your tinnitus.
Tinnitus does not need to stop you from doing the things you love, and we encourage that you continue to do the things you usually would. However, this last year has brought a lot of change and restrictions meaning that a lot of normal routines will have changed dramatically. Retaining some elements of your usual routine can be a comfort and help manage your tinnitus, however it is important to acknowledge the changes and try to adapt where you can within the guidance from the government.
There are a few things you can do to support yourself through these difficult times alongside tinnitus management techniques.
- Limit how much news and social media you consume. These can often make feelings of stress and anxiety worse, which can impact your tinnitus. Schedule a time when you want to read the latest news and information and stop after you have read all you need to.
- Focus on what you can control. There are so many things that are currently out of our control, yet you can control many aspects of your daily routine and tinnitus management techniques. Focus on each day as it comes.
- Stay connected. Physical socialising has been restricted for almost a year now unless you are in a support bubble. The lack of seeing and communicating with other people has been a difficult and lonely time. This isolation can have a large impact on your mental health. It is so important to stay connected with your family and friends, now more than ever via phone calls, texting, and video calls.
If you have any concerns about your tinnitus, or think you may be starting to develop signs of tinnitus it is important to speak to a healthcare professional such as your GP or audiologist. You can also speak to the team at the British Tinnitus Association via the phone, webchat and text for support.